Targaryen Fealty - Indy Regional Top 4

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furbolgy 39

Hi everyone,

This is my version of Targ Fealty that placed top 4 at the Indy regional. Lost two games to @Beknirvana, once in swiss and again in the second round of the cut.

This is a fairly standard Targ deck, but I made a few tech choices that I felt helped me throughout the day. I was unsure how prevalent The First Snow of Winter would be and decided to add 2 Bodyguard. I think that this deck is still strong in the field, despite The First Snow of Winter hurting Targaryen's overall low curve. Summons also helped dig for dragon duplicates to help threaten Dracarys! after everything was bounced.

Plot selection was pretty standard. Before No Middle Ground, I ran either Heads on Spikes or Calm Over Westeros in place of Blood of the Dragon. Blood of the Dragon is an amazing plot (as other Targ players have realized) and if timed well, can completely stall out a board.

In future iterations of the deck, I will most likely cut both Milk of the Poppy to fit in a third Bodyguard and either Syrio Forel, Tears of Lys, or The Hand's Judgment. Both Syrio and Bodyguard help tremendously against the Greyjoy match-up which felt weak.

Notable highlights from the day: I managed to kill a Balon Greyjoy that had been Risen from the Sea on a Blood of the Dragon turn by playing Viserys Targaryen from hand to remove the attachment, then Crowning Balon.

I'm open to suggestions and questions about the list. Besides the "Round 5 Re-Pairing Debacle," the Regional ran smoothly and was a great time!

7 comentarios

hotpie 1

Hi Furbolgy It is nice to see Targ fealty can still be competitive post first snow. Who did you face in the tournament?

furbolgy 39

@hotpie I faced Lannister Crossing, Greyjoy Fealty, Baratheon Banner of the Rose, Greyjoy Crossing, Stark Fealty, and Lannister Banner of the Sun on the day. Of those games, I saw First Snow in at least three games (Lanni crossing, lanni/sun, and I think GJ Fealty). The rest of the games did not go to plot 7, so I am unsure whether or not my opponents were running First Snow of Winter.

blueeyedbanditt 1

@furbolgyDon't think Bodyguard protects against First Snow since it never leaves play (goes back to hand) - going to definitely try this out though, thanks for sharing the deck!

Kakita_Shiro 984

Bodyguard can't save against The First Snow of Winter because it only saves against "kill" or "discard from play".

furbolgy 39

@blueeyedbandittBodyguard doesn't directly protect against First Snow, you're right. But it can help soak claim if the rest of your board has been bounced to hand. Bodyguard allowed me to keep a key character on the board - usually Daenerys or Drogo on the board. Usually on a first snow turn, I would have Dany/Drogo with a bodyguard and a dragon or Ser Jorah Mormont left on the board. The Bodyguard allows you to soak the claim, and on a follow up Marched to the Wall, discard the dragon or Jorah instead.

Tankre 1

I'm happy to see targ do well despite FSoW. Now that Blood of the Dragon is legal, why did you play only 2xUnsullied and 2xPlaza? Did you feel gold hungry playing with Blood and Counting? What would you take out in order to play Dragon Sight?

furbolgy 39

@TankreI went down to 2 Plaza of Punishment partially because of the decision to go up to 2 Milk of the Poppy. I think the card is great, but I find myself drawing it a lot and wanting to put characters on the board instead. I only ran 2 Unsullied because of the low economy of the plot deck. They can take up an entire turn to play and I don't think they're great on setup. You can play them out on a The First Snow of Winter turn and feel fairly safe. A lot of people are already afraid to do challenges on the turn you flip Blood of the Dragon because of the threat of Dracarys! anyway.

I feel as though Counting Coppers is one of the best plots for Targaryen. With just one reducer, you can still play a dragon and threaten Dracarys!. I don't mind running Blood of the Dragon for a similar reason.

As for Dragon Sight, I will most likely be cutting 1 Waking the Dragon and both Milk of the Poppy to make room. I think Tears of Lys and The Hand's Judgment are too important to cut.