Unexpected indeed! - Greyjoy Edition

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Diomedes 3294

This is my 3rd Unexpected Delay deck. The main idea: Open with this plot, protect your characters with attachments, bounce 1 or 2 characters back to your opponent's hand. I like this version the most because it's more flexible. Wraiths in Their Midst is a good alternative opening plot if your opponent has a wide or protected board or if you don't see enough attachments.

Besides, Delay has some synergy with Winter's reserve reduction. I even think a cheeky copy of The Frostfangs might be effective in this deck. Alannys Greyjoy is a great fit, too: reserve reduction on top of her cheap cost and icon.

The rest of the draw deck is pretty tight as is:

I'm still figuring out the plot deck, though:

Let me know what you think! :-)

3 comentarios

servetz 30

I don't think this deck would need Rise of the Kraken and another winter plot could be useful to keep your opponent's board lighter by having him loose a money, so maybe going for -1 kraken, +1 Ranger's Cache should be the right choice

Diomedes 3294

I think you're right about Rise of the Kraken, @serve. I don't like Ranger's Cache that much, though. Is it really better than Counting Coppers, even in a KoW deck? What about one of the claim 2 Winter plots instead: Early Frost, The Winds of Winter, Famine, The Long Winter?

Diomedes 3294

I tested Counting Coppers, I think it's the right choice. You can't afford to draw only 2 attachments in the late rounds. And it's perfect to search for your saves before you play Valar.