You Murdered Her Children!

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NikolaP 61

I wanted to make You Murdered Her Children work, so, this deck was made. After a fair amount of play, deck morphed into this try-to-outrush-clock-decks (bane of Martell), independent of playing YMHC.

Deck has no problem going first, and I built it with that in mind.

Winter plots are there for Winterfell, Ranger's Cache for an added draw, although I believe Counting Coppers could replace it, but I didn't just for Stark matchup.

Standard character suite, supporting agenda and rushy plan. Bodyguards are there to dissuade opponent from Valar Morghulising. Ghaston Grey went down to 2x because rush is the plan. The Boneway could be 3x. Events are the meat of the deck, not paying any gold for any of them makes them even better. Going through with Put to the Sword or Tears of Lys will make your opponent think about every challenge, on offense or defense.

I took second place with it in our tiny 6 player tournament recently, and I'm satisfied with how it plays. I'd appreciate people's thoughts on what could be improved/removed/added.

3 comentarios

SonOfBattles1 436

Holy Nonsetupables Batman! So many events. Don't you have trouble with your setup hand?

NikolaP 61

@SonOfBattles1 Not at all, 14 nonsetup cards is just fine. It depends on the deck, but usually having <15 non-setup cards is ok.

gr1mvengeance 99

I've been trying for ages to put YMHC in a deck but just couldn't manage to make it work. I've had much better success without it (although I did laughably bad in a 29 player event recently with a Fealty Martell deck, went back to Lotc and just won a small 6 player tournament vs GJ, GJ and Targ - its just so good to out rush clock decks)

Really glad you've got this working buddy! Great to see Martell love. Will publish my Lotc deck soon :)