"Kneel The Best, Steal The Rest": 2-2 at Regionals (6th/12)

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doobleg 15

As the name of this deck suggests, the intention was to make the most of the unique abilities that Baratheon and Night Watch bring to the table, namely kneeling and character theft.

You're trying to control play by:

I went down to Targ Fealty (finalist) and Lanni Rains, both of whom got out their power characters early, and I really didn't have an answer for that in either game. In both instances I had perhaps one of the four pillars (described above) holding me up, and really you need 2+ to get things going.

Still! This is something a little different, and it's the type of control deck that doesn't make your friends want to punch you in the face. Enjoy!

2 comentarios

Dydra 1494

Why 1x Yoren ? For any steal deck, especially one that focuses on small guys stealing, you should run him as a 3x ...

Also how the dominance package from Bara compliments the idea of the deck? I'd very much prefer to have Motley in and discard chars from their hand.

And all of this is Considering that you don't wanna play Night Gathers...

doobleg 15

@Dydra good questions:

  • 1xYoren was because I didn't want to draw him on setup (similar to Dolorous Edd). Also, I've already got three events that do the same job.
  • The dominance package is part of what makes Bara great. Even if I wasn't able to fully exploit Melisandre (Core), even if I was unable to steal characters, dominance kept me in the game until things started rolling my way.
  • An early version of this deck had Motley, but it was a casualty of playtesting and didn't make the cut. (similar reasoning for cutting down Yoren to 1x). Motley is an awesome card tho'.
  • Point taken on Night Gathers..., as half of my plots have reserve of 7... but Guarding the Realm would likely be more reliable, and re-usable too.