The Red Regional - Patriot Games Winner

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callumgie 120

Hey, So I have never done one of these before, but this is the deck that I took to the Patriot Games regional. Below is a quick summary of my games but its all a bit of a blur, so there's not much detail I'm afraid.

Round 1 win Vs Baratheon Alliance (rose/qohor) - Malachy Clarke

Malachy didn't have a great set up if I remember correctly but he had a Robert Baratheon and a Highgarden Courtier out after marshalling turn one. Fortunately for me I had Grey Wind and quickly found Robb Stark (Core) so I could just keep clearing his chuds.

Round 2 win Vs Tyrell Wars - Mark Riley

Don't get excited ladies and gentlemen this wasn't your usual Tyrell Wars, otherwise I probably lose right, it was knights instead using Ser Garlan Tyrell (HoT) and Randyll Tarly. I was under a bit of pressure but Mark duped both the above characters so I Valar Dohaeris next turn and then used Milk of the Poppy on the remaining Randyll.

Round 3 win Vs Tyrell Wolf - Rebecca Gillard

As there where a few of us Northampton players doing well I knew I would have to play one of them sooner or later, and round 3 was that time I get paired against Rebecca. It was the deck that did well at Gen Con, but I hadn't seen the list so had no idea what was going to happen. I just managed to keep a board every turn, to eventually get the win.

Round 4 win Vs Stark Qohor - Adam East

Another Northampton player and Regional winner Adam East. I cant remember much of this game, apart from I had a great start and Adam did not. Adam conceded on turn 3 I think.

Round 5 win Vs Martell Wars - Ian Neilson

I can't remember anything of this game apart from making a mistake trying to close the game out. Ian ambushed in Areo Hotah (Core) to remove my Robb Stark (Core) from a challenge when I could have put Wyman Manderly in to the challenge as well.

Quarter Finals Vs Stark Fealty - David Kennedy

Oh my, this was by furthest the hardest game of the day. I got of to a great start 9-1 up after a few rounds, but then it started to go wrong. David got Grey Wind and Wolves of the North out and just started murdering all of my characters, using Winterfell when needed to stop the Bodyguard triggers when needed. we eventually go to time, tied on power but David had been drawing from Godswood and White Harbor so I win on cards in deck.

Semi Finals Vs Baratheon Wars - Daniel Mulchrone

Another Northampton player and fellow Baratheon enthusiast, Dan had a really bad set up just a Robert Baratheon and some economy and I don't think his draw was much better. I manage to kill Robert Baratheon and Shireen Baratheon early with The Red Wedding. Dan eventually concedes after forgetting I'm "The Rains of Castamere" letting me flip into Breaking Ties.

Finals Vs Stark Qohor - Adam East

So I meet Adam again, his only loss of the day to me in round 4. I cant remember much of the final apart from our board were very similar for some time. This allowed him to control my agenda for most of the game but I also controlled his.

So the deck itself originally started out as a fat Catelyn Stark (WotN) deck that myself and Rebecca built, it did ok made some top 8's but Richard convinced me to try core Catelyn Stark (Core) for this regional and man was he right. It just fits the deck better.

Why "The Rains of Castamere" and not The Wars To Come Well why play 4 plots in 4 rounds when you can play up to 8. Also if this was wars two of the extra slots would be taken up by Breaking Ties and Wildfire Assault. It just doesn't seem efficient and not as much fun, one of the tricks is to play The Withering Cold. Then if your opponent kneels their board out you keep it, if they don't you can always flip out.

Possible changes I really like the plots, Varys's Riddle felt useless all day why don't people play Counting Coppers anymore. So this could be dropped but I cant bring myself to do it. Forgotten Plans was great and I would not drop it, its very useful in the mirror The Withering Cold match ups. I'm still unsure on The Blackfish, he may be better being another Eddard Stark (WotN) but he is loyal and offers some card draw.

So thanks for reading hopefully it wasn't to painful for you. I would like to thank all of the players who attended and the store itself, it was a really well run tournament. A huge thanks to all the Northampton players for all the deck advice and hours of practice.

if you have any questions about the deck then please ask although I don't think there is any real surprises in there.

1 comentario

Reader 298

Good work Callum. Congrats on a great win and a superb deck.