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Greyjoy of All Things 0 0 0 2.0
Greyjoy of All Things 0 0 0 3.0

archgamers 1

Edmond, OK SC 2-2, 5th place. I'd just like to know what I could do to the deck to make it more competitive. I'm new to the tournament scene.

Update 1.2- I plan on taking a revised version to another OK store championship. I've taken all the comments into consideration, and hopefully after some more tweaking, this deck will have some more kick to it. Thanks a bunch.

5 comentarios

Leoben 1

If the deck was fun for you to play, I wouldn't change a thing. That being said, If I was playing Greyjoy (Go to faction for me), I'd build more into getting my unopposed challenges. Trade out CtA Balon for Core. I'd cut out The Reader, Theon, and Victarion completely. I never find a use for Victarion or The Reader and I can usually get the same type of payout with a Syrio over Theon, minus the Power gain, but gaining another Character with Stealth in Challenges. With the light intrigue in your deck you could try to put in Little Birds. I find that a Little Birds on Asha or Balon is worth the 1 gold cost and three slots for a set in my deck and it's nice to see people get nervous at a tricon Asha/Balon. Those are just my thoughts and could be a completely bad choice for others and their play style.

boothby 1

Greyjoy, especially Fealty, is all about board control. With a number of different tools to do it. You maintain dominance of the board largely through character saves and location control and most of the time GJ works best when you're the first player. So here's a few suggestions to play to those strengths a little harder than you already are. Keep in mind these are all just suggestions and my opinion, I've been tweaking a GJ Fealty deck of my own (played it in 1 tournament and the deck would have done much better with a decent pilot).

Cards I think you should find room for:

+1 Valar Morghulis: Play to your strengths, Valar is an incredible offensive card out of GJ simply because you can wipe their character base and keep yours around. With The Seastone Chair and Great Kraken, the 0 claim doesn't really matter.

+1 A Clash of Kings: A great high income closer. Also good early game if you just need to almost guarantee initiative win.

+3 We Do Not Sow: Incredible location and attachment control. It hits any location, which is just bonkers. Obvious targets are #Wall or Chamber of the Painted Table, but I also love hitting economy (sometimes instead of one of the others depending on board state).

+2 Support of the People: Adds some beautiful consistency and toolboxiness to the deck and there's usually no real trouble in triggering it.

+1 Sea Bitch: It's situational, and usually I'd prefer We Do Not Sow , but it's good to have that threat on the board. And there really isn't anything more satisfying than using that Ghaston Grey against your opponent to push an unopposed challenge through.

+1 King Balon's Solar: This deck hurts a bit for money given the high cost of characters. This is non-limited, zero-cost income that you'll get most of the time.

+1 Aeron Damphair (Core): I'd trade your 2x Aeron Damphair (TIMC) for 1x of the core version. The intrigue icon is nice, but he's another high cost guy and imo, I'd rather play anyone else for 6 monies.

+3 Balon Greyjoy (Core): I also think you should trade your Balon Greyjoy (CtA) for the core version. A little nicer on the cost curve and a more consistent effect. Stannis Baratheon (TIMC) hurts this deck since most of the characters are non-loyal.

+1 Asha Greyjoy: She's amazing, repeatable stealth arguably the most important character in the deck - definitely worth 3x.

+1 Euron Crow's Eye: Expensive, but a tricon with an awesome effect. Most of the time he'll be getting The Kingsroad for the economy boost, but it sure is nice getting a We Do Not Sow off (especially on The Wall or Chamber of the Painted Table) with him in play.

+2 Milk of the Poppy: This deck is a toolbox and having this available has saved me more than a couple of games.

Cards I think you could drop:

-1 Varys's Riddle: I'm guessing this is in there for the income and initiative, which certainly isn't bad, but I think you'll be better served dropping this for a Valar Morghulis

-1 Weapons at the Door: Good initiative and decent effect, but unnecessary most of the time - especially if you add some We Do Not Sow (which you should absolutely do!).

-3 Nightmares: While this is a great control card, you're getting more consistent control from character presence and We Do Not Sow

-1 Raiding Longship: A great card, but I rarely want to see more than 1.

-1 Iron Fleet Scout: Same as Raiding Longship, 1 or 2 is great, but 1 is usually plenty and I'd prefer the card slot for something else.

-1 Pyke: A great card that I want to see, but not so important that I want more than 1x - especially with Support of the People being able to get what I need.

-3 Salty Navigator: Not a fan of the 2 cost guy for just 1 icon and the bonus initiative isn't really necessary.

-1 Lordsport Fisherman: You'll get your draw through The Reader and Great Kraken and 3 monies for 1 icon isn't worth it on any day.

-3 Balon Greyjoy (CtA): Explained above, I prefer the core version.

-2 Aeron Damphair (TIMC): Explained above, I prefer the core version.

A few playstyle tips:

If you don't already, keep Marched to the Wall in mind during setup. It can be a great opener if your opponent just sets up 1 big character.

Great Kraken is easily the MVP of this deck. Get it and/or The Reader out as early as you can and use it for draw. As soon as you have the tools you need or can see that you'll win this turn or next, then switch to power gain. That bonus card advantage early is key and I've found myself a few times drawing over my reserve just to find the tool that I need to close out the game.

I mentioned it above, but play Valar Morghulis aggressively and don't be afraid to lose a couple characters (even good ones) if you're able to keep a couple characters out and wipe their board. I find myself usually playing it around turn 3 and typically is the turning point of the game where I can see how I'm going to win.

I really enjoy this deck and have found it pretty versatile in the current meta. Enjoy!

boothby 1

@Leoben I haven't played with Little Bird, so I can't speak to that suggestion, but I've got to disagree wholeheartedly with cutting The Reader and Victarion Greyjoy. The self-save for board control alone is great, and intimidate can do some amazing work for pushing through that 2nd or 3rd unopposed challenge. Though he doesn't directly help with unopposed challenges, the draw from The Reader is invaluable and meshes incredibly well with the unopposed nature of the deck.

Leoben 1

@boothbyI agree with the mechanics that are offered in card draw and intimidate with the Reader and Victarion. I've just never found use for them in my deck due to their cost. I run high initiative, low economy plots to ensure I'm going first due to Events and Locations I play. I did try a Kings of Summer agenda to try and give me the extra Econ needed to play those characters on top of Balon and Asha (Must have for any GJ deck), but the local meta here (Targ) would constantly knock them out. That's why I also rely a lot on Drowned God's Blessing. It gives me the Init boost I need for a Snowed Under and keeps their Dracarys! off Asha Greyjoy. I used to have a Set of The Reader, I agree on his undeniable value. He just doesn't fit in my deck. I do like everything you have provided this fellow player and enjoy the friendly debate.

Stenb74 65

After playing GJ for a long time i have concluded that unopposed-focused decks are much too consistent. The best and most consistent deck is control oriented where you stall and draw cards until you find saves to make an offensive valar play. I have had a lot of success (80% winrate) with this deck: The only thing that can beat this deck if played right is stark- and lanni crossing. They sometime rush too fast for me to control.