Maester Joseran

Rules FAQ

  • Joseran triggers during Step 1.3 in the plot phase, after the first player is chosen, but before resolving any When Revealed abilities.

  • You can trigger the reaction if you become the first player with Seize the Initiative.

  • You "become" the first player again even if you were the first player the previous round as well.

  • Cards under a player's agenda are not considered to be in play. They are essentially removed from the game permanently, unless that player is playing The Conclave or Archmaester Marwyn. A player can always look at any facedown card under their agenda.

  • A player who is not playing an agenda cannot place cards under it. Joseran can still be triggered though, as long as at least one player is playing an agenda.

Deepwood Motte

Rules FAQ

  • Deepwood Motte triggers after all When Revealed abilities have been resolved.

  • You can trigger the reaction even if an opponent reveals a Winter plot.

  • If a plot is given the Winter trait by Old Nan or "The Winter Maid", it counts as a Winter plot being revealed, so you can trigger the reaction.

  • The word "another" means a location other than the copy of Deepwood Motte that is triggering. It does not mean a location with a different title. In other words, you can trigger your Deepwood Motte to kneel an opponent's Deepwood Motte.

  • You can kneel any non-limited location, including your own.

Maester Cressen

Rules FAQ

  • When Cressen is killed, he leaves play first, then his reaction can be triggered from the dead pile. He shares the reaction window with cards that react to a character being killed (like Wyman Manderly), or cards that react to a character entering the dead pile (like Warlock of Qarth).

  • Cressen's reaction can be triggered if he enters the dead pile for any reason, not only if he is killed. This includes cards like Heads on Spikes, Crone of Vaes Dothrak and Hired Assassin, among others.

  • If Cressen is killed while Warlock of Qarth is in play, the first player has the first opportunity to trigger a reaction. If Warlock of Qarth is triggered first to put Cressen into play, Cressen can no longer be triggered afterwards, because his reaction can only be triggered from the dead pile. But of course he can be triggered at the end of the phase when he is placed in the dead pile again.

  • If Cressen is immediately killed when he comes out of shadows (for instance, by Blood of the Dragon), you can trigger his reaction to entering the dead pile, but not his reaction to coming out of shadows.

  • If you use a replacement effect like Spears of the Merling King that prevents Cressen from entering the dead pile, you cannot trigger his reaction. On the other hand, you can trigger his reaction if Cressen is placed in the dead pile by the ability of Caggo Corpsekiller.

  • You cannot trigger Cressen if you are not playing an agenda.

  • Cards under a player's agenda are not considered to be in play. They are essentially removed from the game permanently, unless that player is playing The Conclave or Archmaester Marwyn. A player can always look at any facedown card under their agenda.

The Last Greenseer

Rules FAQ

  • The "base value" is the value of a quantity before any modifiers are applied. For most quantities, it is also the printed value.

  • The Last Greenseer only switches the base values. Any modifiers that are applied to the gold, claim or reserve values of the plots in question are not switched between them. For example, if The Last Greenseer switches the base values with The Maiden, the player who has The Last Greenseer revealed will gain 6 gold when collecting income, +/- any modifiers (like The Roseroad) affecting that value for that player. The player who has The Maiden revealed will gain 4 gold, +/- any modifiers.

  • Since The Last Greenseer does not require you to "choose" a revealed plot card, your opponents will not know which plot you intend to switch with until after the cancel window has passed.

  • Resolving When Revealed abilities is mandatory. You must choose another revealed plot card even if switching the base values with that plot card is detrimental to you (for instance, if your only choice is Reinforcements).

  • A plot card leaves play any time its controller reveals a new one. If one of the plots leaves play before the other (for instance, due to "The Rains of Castamere"), the one that remains in play will regain the base values it had before the switch occurred.

Here are some interactions that can happen with The Last Greenseer in a Joust game:

  • At Prince Doran's Behest: If The Last Greenseer is resolved first, the switch will expire as soon as the When Revealed ability of Behest is resolved (unless Behest was the last remaining plot for that player and it remains in play). If Behest is resolved first, The Last Greenseer will simply interact with the new plot and the base values of Behest become irrelevant.

  • Battle on the Green Fork: The Last Greenseer will have a base claim value of 0. Battle of the Green Fork will have a base claim value of 1, so triggering the plot three times can potentially raise the claim value to 4.

  • Forgotten Plans: The values are switched in the plot phase as normal. After that, blanking The Last Greenseer will not retroactively reverse the switch, so Forgotten Plans will do nothing.

  • Summer Harvest: If Summer Harvest is resolved first, it will define the X as 6. When the X is switched onto The Last Greenseer, it will remain 6, while the base gold value on Summer Harvest will be 4. On the other hand, if The Last Greenseer is resolved first, it will switch the undefined X onto itself, and the value of X is always equal to 0 unless specified otherwise by a card ability or granted player choice. When Summer Harvest is resolved afterwards, there is no longer any X for it to define, because it only looks for an X on the card itself. That means The Last Greenseer ends up with 0, while Summer Harvest ends up with 4.

  • The Last Greenseer: If both players reveal this plot, it will simply switch the same values twice, essentially changing nothing.

  • Varys's Riddle: Regardless of the order in which the When Revealed abilities are resolved, they will both end up with their original base values. The Last Greenseer switches its base values with Varys's Riddle, while Varys's Riddle switches the base values of The Last Greenseer with another revealed plot card, which can only be Varys's Riddle itself.

Enemies in Every Shadow

Rules FAQ

  • The constant ability checks for any card in shadows, including those you control yourself. Your characters will not get +1 STR while you control a card in shadows, even if no opponent does.

  • If you win a challenge as the attacking player in which Recruit from the Dungeons is defending, it returns to shadows automatically after the winner of the challenge is determined, so you can immediately trigger the reaction to discard it. You can also play a card like Banished from the Light to place a character in shadows and discard it in the same reaction window.

  • The character is placed in its owner's dead pile before any reactions to a card entering the discard pile (like Citadel Archivist or Ser Addam Marbrand) could be triggered. Those reactions then cannot be triggered afterwards either, because they only interact with the discarded character while it is in the discard pile. (See Card Abilities & Out-of-Play Areas.)